China’s Horrid One Child Policy Continues





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by Nicole Kempton
January 7, 2010

Women are still under threat throughout the world. Nowhere is this more apparent than in China, where the coercive population control policy, informally known as the "One Child Policy," represents an unprecedented State intrusion concerning women's reproductive choices.

by Nicole Kempton
January 7, 2010
Secretary Clinton’s commitment to “put women and girls at the center of US foreign policy” is a laudable one, and after playing a central role at the 1994 Cairo conference, it is only fitting that she should deliver the speech to commemorate the achievements of the conference 15 years later. The conference represented the first truly global commitment to women’s rights, and has had a powerful and measurable impact on reproductive health, infant mortality, and maternal empowerment.

Fifteen years on, however, women are still under threat throughout the world. Nowhere is this more apparent than in China, where the coercive population control policy, informally known as the “One Child Policy,” represents an unprecedented State intrusion concerning women’s reproductive choices.

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