I am deeply saddened by the President’s praise of abortion. 55 Million is a Holocaust





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By Joel C. Rosenberg
January 22, 2013

Since 1973, Americans have had more than 55 million abortions. Unless we change course, the number will soon be 60 million. Consider the horror of that fact. We as a nation will soon have murdered ten times more Americans than the number of Jews that the Nazis killed during the Holocaust.

By Joel C. Rosenberg
January 22, 2013

We must be honest with the facts, and the implications. This must stop. We must stop it, before it is too late — before we face implosion, or judgment.

Since 1973, Americans have had more than 55 million abortions. Unless we change course, the number will soon be 60 million.

Consider the horror of that fact. We as a nation will soon have murdered ten times more Americans than the number of Jews that the Nazis killed during the Holocaust.

How is this possible? How have we come to this point? The murder of 55 million human beings is a Holocaust.

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