Homosexuals are born that way. Therefore it is natural and good.





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by Matt Slick

The problem with using genetics as an excuse to justify behavior is that whatever tendency we might be born with must be considered normal.  This includes lying, pedophilia, homosexuality, and rape.  But, such a logical inference will not be acceptable to the pro-homosexual community because selective statistics and discriminatory reasoning are offered to justify their behavior.

by Matt Slick

One of the arguments offered by those in support of homosexuality is that homosexuality is an orientation that people are born with, and it has the same moral value as the hair color someone has at birth.  The implication is that since they are said to be born gay, then it is normal and morally acceptable.  The media seems to support this idea, and it is a common position held to justify the behavior.  But there are two problems with this position.

First of all, there are a plethora of studies with conflicting results and conclusions on both sides of the argument.  Nevertheless, we could quickly consider studies that deal with identical twins.  If genetics determines sexual orientation, then it should be manifested when studying twins who share the exact same genetic information.  However, that isn’t the case.  Consider this . . .

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