The ground of gentleness: The Lord is near





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by Mike Riccardi
June 30, 2014

Our Lord taught us, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. If your treasure is stored up here on an earth that is fast passing away, and someone attacks your treasure, of course you’re going to get anxious  and agitated. If your entire life is hidden with Christ in God - then nothing can shake you, because your treasure is hidden in the safest storehouse there is: God Himself. The Lord is near! Let your gentleness be made manifest to all people.

by Mike Riccardi
June 30, 2014

Over the last two weeks, we’ve been considering Paul’s command to “let your gentle spirit be known to all men” (Philippians 4:5) . We considered five characteristics of that gentleness, and then took some time to consider the scope of that command, noting that we are not only to be gentle with fellow Christians, but also with those who are enemies of the Gospel.

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