The Pope Presumes – The Theory of Evolution Boosted by Pontiff





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by Rev Michael Bresciani
November 10, 2014

In a blazing headline One News Now published an article entitled “Pope backs evolution, Vatican calls creation ‘blasphemous.’"

by Rev Michael Bresciani
November 10, 2014

Using science is wise – blindly patronizing science is presumption and idolatry – Anon.

In a blazing headline One News Now published an article entitled “Pope backs evolution, Vatican calls creation ‘blasphemous,’” in it, author Michael F. Haverluck says “In a speech given at a Pontifical Academy of Sciences ceremony unveiling a bust of his predecessor, Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI, Pope Francis declared his full-fledged support of evolution as the scientifically correct explanation of the origin of man — and the universe.”

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