by Steve Keohane
Freemasonry’s syncretistic view of God
In Freemasonry the god of the secret societies is covertly substituted for the One True God. This false god is identified in the Masonic lodges as “the Great Architect.”
John 14:11, 13 tells Christians to call upon God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Yet in Masonic lodges prayers are always directed to the generic ‘Great Architect of the Universe’. Masons deliberately omit the holy name of Jesus Christ from their prayers.
Freemasonry teaches that due-paying Freemasonry & good works alone is one’s guarantee for Heaven. Without any intervention needed by Jesus Christ. This is a Satanic Lie to me and to most Christians. Masons don’t worship the Christian God Jesus! They worship a generic Grand Architect of the Universe.
Freemasonry’s teachings on how a Mason makes himself fit for heaven are in profound conflict with the Christian faith. Masons wrongly believe that their own good works – without the need for God’s grace only gotten through faith in Jesus Christ – will allow them to enter into the ‘celestial lodge above’.
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