After God – Part 4: Love after God





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by Pete Lowman

The loss of God may hit even closer to home... What’s the meaning of love after God? Often, as our artists grapple with these issues, they have turned finally to loving relationships as that which survives when everything has collapsed. Matthew Arnold wrote of the loss of Christian faith in Dover Beach; the "sea of faith", he says, "was once... at the full... but now I only hear / Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar..."

by Pete Lowman

In the final of four articles, Pete Lowman asks what happens to love when a culture tries to live without God. People say it ‘doesn’t matter’ whether there’s a God or not. In Britain today we’re learning just how far they’re mistaken.

People say it ‘doesn’t matter’ whether there’s a God or not. In Britain today we’re learning just how far they’re mistaken.

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