After God – Part 3: Ethics after God





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by Pete Lowman

In a culture more closely based on the Bible, it was possible to know what was right or wrong, what God had ordained. Then we lost God. What followed? For if the final reality is the evolutionary struggle; and if that struggle is basically about the survival of the fittest, and the strong surviving at the expense of the weak; how far does that leave us with any real moral case against the threat of fascism, as our century closes? Was that not the argument of Nazism: that the Jews were a degenerate people, therefore their destruction by a stronger race was in tune with the course of nature? Why then was Hitler wrong?

by Pete Lowman

In the third of four articles, Pete Lowman asks what happens when a culture tries to live without God.

Now there’s no God, is it surprising … that we don’t know where we’re going?

“Maybe there’s a God, maybe not. It doesn’t matter too much.” We hear it so often from friends and colleagues.

But meanwhile, around us, things are falling apart. They, and we, wonder why. Maybe that God-question is far more vital than it seemed…

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