The social normalisation of paedophilia gains momentum





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by Family Policy Institute - Errol Naidoo

A video by GBN news once again shines the light on growing attempts by sexual rights activists to normalise paedophilia in the mainstream media and popular culture. Described as “an insidious creep towards normalising sexual contact with children,” a "sex therapist" attempts to normalise “minor attracted persons” in an interview viewed 2,5 million times.

by Family Policy Institute – Errol Naidoo

A video by GBN news once again shines the light on growing attempts by sexual rights activists to normalise paedophilia in the mainstream media and popular culture. Described as “an insidious creep towards normalising sexual contact with children,” a “sex therapist” attempts to normalise “minor attracted persons” in an interview viewed 2,5 million times.

The “sex therapist” laments the vilification of “minor attracted persons” and contends it is unwarranted. She argues “all people have attractions that they have not chosen for themselves, so why do we judge adults with romantic attractions to children?”

This diabolical scheme rebrands paedophiles as “Minor Attracted Persons” (MAP) to intentionally remove the (wholly justified) negative stigma associated with this abnormality.

A similar rebranding of prostitution as “sex work” is paving the way for decriminalisation.

Academics and other so-called “experts” often interviewed on major networks claim paedophilia is a “sexual orientation” like any other sexual preference and must be accepted as such. As a result, the global legitimisation of paedophilia is gaining momentum.

More ominously, the normalisation of paedophilia in the mainstream media is part of a broader agenda that includes the sexualisation of children through the educational systems of participating nations through so-called “sexuality education” – directed by UN agencies.

An unnamed child protection activist posted the following “four stages” of the strategy to normalise paedophilia while simultaneously sexualising children. Influential groups in the mass media, entertainment, UN agencies and educational systems are implicated.

Stage one: “Slowly desensitize people to paedophilia, pushed through fake and paid for “intellectual” debates and through the mass media, magazines, child beauty pageants and pop culture, the overt sexualization of children in the mass media.”

Stage two: “Use the primary education system to blur the lines between genders, in order to confuse children about their gender identity. When they reach puberty and adolescence this makes them more susceptible to being groomed by a man or a woman (confusion).”

Stage three: “Use the educational system to teach ‘sexual awareness’ ( not sexual reproduction ) at younger and younger ages, until five year olds are aware of ‘sexual’ preference, techniques of sexual stimulation and so on.”

Stage four: “The lowering of the age of ‘sexual consent’ to 12 years of age, (or lower) because all the gender confused kids will be wanting ‘sex change’ surgery and if they are ‘mature’ enough to consent to that, it implies they can consent to ‘sex.”

The agenda to blur the lines between genders in SA is well advanced. The DA led Western Cape Education Department is pushing “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” (SOGI) policies in Western Cape public schools to confuse children’s biological sexual identity.

However, the primary mechanism utilised to sexualise children in the education system is “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” (CSE). This UNESCO directed program elevates
“sexual rights” over sexual health and teach children sexual pleasure is an inherent right.

A UNESCO endorsed video claims children as young as 5 have a right to sexual pleasure.

The most grevious aspect of CSE is its primary objective is to sexualise minor children and alienate them from their parents – shockingly, this is the central goal of paedophiles.

As a consequence, so-called “experts” involved in the normalisation of paedophilia in the mass media are collaborating with sexual rights groups to indoctrinate minor children into believing they have an inherent right to sexual pleasure – independent of their parents.

Essentially, CSE and SOGI are indoctrination tools that groom children for the sexual advances of the less ominous sounding “minor attracted persons” who are currently being humanised in the mainstream media by academics, sex therapists and other “experts.”

Family Policy Institute is working diligently to warn parents and educators about the dangers of CSE and SOGI currently being pushed in SA’s schools by collaborating foreign agencies.

I urge parents and educators to become more aware of this insidious threat as anti-family groups conspire to target children with sexual perversion. We must reject CSE & SOGI and demand schools urgently adopt the safe “Smart Choices” sexuality education curriculum.