Life Line Southern Africa
24-hour crisis intervention service. “Emotional First Aid station”. Free, confidential telephone counselling, rape counselling, trauma counselling, Aids counselling, and a range of other services. Not-for-profit organisation.
* SA National Counselling Line 0861-322-322
Childline South Africa
Assistance from trained counsellors for abused children, young people and their families. Not-for-profit organisation.
* 24-hour toll-free helpline: 0800 055 555
SA National Council for Child Welfare
The co-ordinating body for 177 affiliated child welfare societies, organisations and community outreach projects.
* National: (011) 339-5741
* E-mail:
Johannesburg Child Welfare Society
Services Johannesburg and broader community and offers services to abandoned, abused and neglected children. Also facilitates adoption and foster care.
* Head office: (011) 331-0171
Police Child Protection Units
Special police units that investigate violent crimes against children and offer specialised services to child victims of crime. There are 45 such units around the country.
* Tel: (012) 393-1000
People Opposed to Woman Abuse (Powa)
Gauteng-based organisation offering shelter and counselling services to women in abusive relationships, rape survivors, survivors of incest etc.
* Helpline: (011) 642 4345
Stop Women Abuse
Crisis counselling for women who have been raped or abused, advice and support for people wanting to support women in need of help, legal and other options available for abused women and rape survivors. Run by Life Line.
* Toll-free Helpline: 0800 150 150
Rape Crisis
Rape crisis counselling, court preparation, support groups, important contact numbers. Non-governmental organisation.
Observatory – +27 (0)21 447 1467
Counselling line – +27 (0)21 447 9762
Athlone – +27 (0)21 684 1180
Counselling line – +27 (0)21 633 9229
Khayelitsha – +27 (0)21 361 9228
Counselling line – +27 (0)21 361 9085
Alcoholics Anonymous SA
Worldwide fellowship for alcoholics supporting those choosing to be sober. Only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
* Johannesburg: (011) 436 0116
* Cape Town: (021) 592 5047
* Durban: (031) 301 4959
For families and friends of problem drinkers, with a special section (Alateen) for children of alchoholics, as well as for adult children of alcoholics.
* Main office: (021) 591 6847
* E-mail:
Narcotics Anonymous SA
NA is a non-profit organisation for recovering drug addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.
* Cape Town helpline: 0881 30 03 27
* Johannesburg helpline: (011) 485 5248
SA National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
Sanca provides specialised and affordable prevention and treatment services for alcohol and other drug dependence. Based in Johannesburg with 38 affiliates (counselling centres) that operate independently.
* Head office: (011) 482-7187
Family and Marriage Association of SA
Famsa supports families through stressful situations: offers counselling and education to strengthen marriage and other relationships in the family. Assists with divorce, mediation, domestic violence, trauma, grief counselling etc. Famsa has 27 offices around the country.
* National office: (011) 975-7106/7
* E-mail: