Taiji’s Dolphin Hunts Continue





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by Seashepherd
January 29, 2014

60-65 Striped Dolphins Brutally Massacred in the Cove Yesterday.

by Seashepherd
January 29, 2014

On the heels of the recent capture and slaughter of a megapod of 250+ Bottlenose dolphins that the world watched endure days of violent and brutal captive selection, followed by slaughter for some and a drive back out to sea for the remaining pod with little chance of survival, Taiji’s obscene captures and slaughters continue. There have been five more slaughters and captures in the Cove since the Bottlenose capture, including yesterday’s (Japan time) pod of 60-65 striped dolphins — mothers, juveniles, babies and all — who were completely wiped from the face of the Earth, and a small pod of Risso’s dolphins, two of which were selected for captivity at the same time the slaughtering was occurring this afternoon (Japan time), which included mothers with babies. All of these captures and kills have occurred in less than two weeks since the huge Bottlenose pod capture, captive selection and slaughter, proving that Taiji’s bloodlust and greed never ends.

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