How the Media Molds the World





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by Douglas S. Winnail
2003 January-February

The electronic media—radio, television, movies, video games and now the Internet—have enveloped the globe and transformed nearly every aspect of our lives. Communication professionals lament that the average person is "remarkably naïve" about how mass media operates, the personal agendas of scriptwriters and producers and the ultimate consequences to society.

by Douglas S. Winnail
2003 January-February

Television, movies and the Internet are having an effect on mankind that would have been unimaginable even a century ago. The media—print and electronic—shape our lives and our minds in ways that most fail to realize, and with sobering effects!

Television, radio, movies, the Internet and print extend their influence upon our culture, our behavior and our brains! What is behind the powerful force of modern media?

We are witnessing a major cultural revolution that is having an incredible impact on our society. Yet, despite numerous warnings, few seem to understand what is really going on or where this surging wave of social change is taking us!

In the last 50 years the electronic media—radio, television, movies, video games and now the Internet—have enveloped the globe and transformed nearly every aspect of our lives. More than a decade ago, educator Neil Postman described the ascendancy of the Age of Television and the decline of the Age of Print as “the most significant American cultural fact of the second half of the twentieth century”.

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