by Blair Parke
It happens to the best of us: someone has hurt you in some way and you have to chart that long, complicated path toward forgiveness.
by Answers in Genesis
October 1, 2016
Various cultures around the world have legends about a flood that destroyed the earth. Some stories include a family and a boat. The prevalence of flood legends is easy to explain if Noahʼs descendants carried with them versions of the true history about Noahʼs Ark, but this history was corrupted over the centuries.
by Simon Plosker
May 17, 2018
Where is the outrage that Hamas kept urging Palestinians to move toward the fence, having been amply forewarned by Israel of the mortal risk? Or that protest organizers encouraged women to lead the charges on the fence or that Palestinian children as young as 7 were dispatched to try to breach the fence or that the protests ended after Israel warned Hamas’s leaders, whose preferred hide-outs include Gaza’s hospital, that their own lives were at risk.
by Hunter Stuart
June 22, 2017
In an exclusive article for HonestReporting, foreign journalist Hunter Stuart recounts how he was exposed to the realities of reporting from Israel and found that his pro-Palestinian views were dramatically changed as a result.
by Hunter Stuart
June 22, 2017
In an exclusive article for HonestReporting, foreign journalist Hunter Stuart recounts how he was exposed to the realities of reporting from Israel and found that his pro-Palestinian views were dramatically changed as a result.
by Hunter Stuart
June 22, 2017
In an exclusive article for HonestReporting, foreign journalist Hunter Stuart recounts how he was exposed to the realities of reporting from Israel and found that his pro-Palestinian views were dramatically changed as a result.
by Robin Lindley
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya who have been forced to flee to Bangladesh and beyond struggle for survival in squalid refugee camps that lack adequate food, water, shelter, and other necessities, as well as medical care for illness and for treatment of the aftermath of shootings, stabbings, arson, rape and other trauma.
This video shows how PLO/Fatah emerged from the German Nazi Final Solution. Hajj Amin al Husseini, father of the Palestinian Movement, creator of Fatah, and mentor to Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, was co-director with Adolf Eichmann of the death camp system that exterminated between 5 and 6 million European Jews in WWII.
This video shows how PLO/Fatah emerged from the German Nazi Final Solution. Hajj Amin al Husseini, father of the Palestinian Movement, creator of Fatah, and mentor to Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, was co-director with Adolf Eichmann of the death camp system that exterminated between 5 and 6 million European Jews in WWII.
by Yeshua .org
There is a very interesting prayer that mentions the name of a high priest, or kohen gadol, which appears in various older machzors, going back over 100 years…His name is Yeshua.
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