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Netanyahu thanks Trump for keeping promises, moving embassy to Jerusalem

by staff
May 14, 2018

Sixty-nine years after Israel declared Jerusalem as its capital, and 23 years after the US Congress passed a law mandating that Washington move its embassy there, the US formally opened its embassy in the city on Monday afternoon, in a move Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called “courageous” and “momentous”

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Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” versus the straight line of truth (2)

by Cedric Fisher and Nanci Des Gerlaise
December 18, 2017

There are countless examples in pagan, wiccan, and New Age literature that refer to circles. If drawing prayer circles is such a wonderful God-inspired idea, how is it that Satanists and those in the occult consider circles a major part of their belief system? Could it be that the church is merely imitating an occultic practice?

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Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” versus the straight line of truth

by Cedric Fisher and Nanci Des Gerlaise
December 18, 2017

There are countless examples in pagan, wiccan, and New Age literature that refer to circles. If drawing prayer circles is such a wonderful God-inspired idea, how is it that Satanists and those in the occult consider circles a major part of their belief system? Could it be that the church is merely imitating an occultic practice?

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Another conservative voice silenced on YouTube (2)

May 7, 2018

For years, YouTube has been taking down videos that translate and expose anti-Semitism and punishing those who post them. Perhaps the most notable victim of this censorship is MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute.

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