by Vern Nicolette
The relationship that Christians have with Jesus can vary greatly from person to person. Just because you have been converted, i.e., become a Christian, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus.
by David Rives
March 1, 2017
Evolution cliams that life, and all of life’s systems, have slowly evolved from simple to complex. But many of the features we see in nature are irreducibly complex. What does this mean?
by Joseph Paturi
We are more than the chemicals that form our body. We are a special creation of God. Man is God’s masterpiece – His workmanship, the crown of creation.
by Ray Yungen
March 7, 2018
Today, we are witnessing a paradigm shift from an emphasis on biblical doctrine to the experiential and the mystical. The consensus is becoming that it’s not so important what we believe anymore but what we do – namely that we need to experience God and get along with everyone. And this is where the Catholic Church comes in as it promotes oneness.
by Kevin Reeves and the Editors at Lighthouse Trails
a “New” Christianity now permeating the halls of Christian colleges, seminaries, evangelical churches, small groups, ministries, and organizations. We have compiled in this booklet common terms and their basic meanings to help uncover the true meaning behind some of the deceptive language of the “New” Christianity.
by All About God
Jesus came to reveal the God of the Bible. And God has revealed Himself in His book. Any deviation from that insight from Him is a made-up god.
by All About God
Jesus came to reveal the God of the Bible. And God has revealed Himself in His book. Any deviation from that insight from Him is a made-up god.
by Matilda C. Edwards
“ not be conformed to this world…. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.” Romans 12:2, 9
by Don Harkins
March 8, 2018
“Today the word Revival has largely lost its real meaning. Our present generation, never having witnessed the mighty movings of God in nationwide spiritual awakening such as has taken place in past generations, has little conception of the magnitude of such a “visitation”.
by Compelling Truth
The Holy Spirit is the person of God who lives with us in our time on earth and teaches us to truly know and follow God.
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