by Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa
November 29, 2017
It is strange that men would fight and kill to grab power, kill and dehumanise others to stay in power, strain by all means to force their will on their people and then be forced to resign, retire, be dethroned, kill themselves or get killed in disgrace.
Many elderly adults are abused in their own homes, in relatives’ homes, and even in facilities responsible for their care. Learn about the warning signs of elder abuse, what the risk factors are, and how you can prevent and report the problem.
by Phillip Mlynar
At the peak of the event, which started around a decade ago, Humane Society International (HSI) estimates that up to 10,000 dogs were killed.
by Humane Society International
Imagine a syringe being forced down your throat and a massive chemical dose pumped into your stomach, or being squeezed into restraints and forced to breathe toxic vapours for hours. From drugs to pesticides and household cleaners, chemicals and products of all descriptions are still being tested in massive doses on dogs, mice, rabbits and other animals.
by Humane Society International
“The claim that animal experimentation is essential to medical development is not supported by proper, scientific evidence but by opinion and anecdote.
by Billy Graham
One of the pet words of this age is “tolerance.” It is a good word, but we have tried to stretch it over too great an area of life. We have applied it too often where it does not belong.
by Grant Phillips
February 25, 2017
Why is it that so many Christians do not share the Gospel with others?
by Grant Phillips
February 25, 2017
Why is it that so many Christians do not share the Gospel with others?
by Brian Thomas, M.S.
June 30, 2016
When people think of Neanderthals, an evolutionary image of primitive cave men might come to mind. This is bolstered by the perception that they looked very different from modern humans. However, Neanderthals bore four key features that assure us they were human and confirm the Genesis account of humanity’s recent origin.
Michael Houdmann
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment – Matthew 22:37-38).
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