by Unknown
1. My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that when you buy me.
by McKenna
Secular music often promotes immorality and violence while belittling purity and integrity. If a song glorifies what opposes God, a Christian should not listen to it. However, there are many secular songs with no mention of God that still uphold godly values such as honesty, purity, and integrity.
by Ron Rhodes
The doctrine of annihilationism teaches that man was created immortal. But those who continue in sin and reject Christ are by a positive act of God deprived of the gift of immortality and are ultimately destroyed.
by Peter R. Bregging M.D.
After one or more ECTs, the brain-damaged individual becomes too docile and confused to protest or resist. Therefore family members, concerned individuals, advocates, or attorneys must intervene to prevent more extensive injury. No harm will come from stopping shock treatment, but increasing harm will inevitably
occur from increasing numbers of ECTs.
by Stewart Kabatebate
The Disney corporate leadership is dedicated to promoting the LGBTQ agenda and indoctrinating its young viewers.
by Compelling Truth
The Bible presents the afterlife as having only two options – eternity with God or apart from Him. Hebrews 9:27 notes, “it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” The soul lives on, but it is not reincarnated. So why do some people claim to remember past lives?
by Compelling Truth
Reincarnation is the belief that after a person dies, he or she returns to earth in another form or for another life. This popular belief is accepted in many Eastern religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Shintoism.
by Hope Bolinger
September 15, 2020
Scripture makes it clear that we have one life on earth before we receive an eternal judgment and verdict, based on whether we accepted Jesus as our Savior. We don’t get several lives here on earth to make the right decision; we have only the one.
by The Religion of Peace
This is a list of targeted acts of terrorism on Christian civilians and church workers by religious Muslims since September 11th, 2001. These attacks have nothing to do with war, combat or insurgency. The victims are innocent Christians who were specifically targeted and abused solely on account of their faith by.
by Phyllis Chesler
I have published two academic studies and nearly 100 articles about honour killings, both in the West and in the Islamic world. An honour killing is a collaborative conspiracy carried out against one victim, usually a young girl, by her family. Her relatives believe that her ‘impure’ behaviour has shamed and dishonored them.
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