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The human brain is ‘Beyond Belief’ (2)

by Jeffrey P. Tomkins Ph.D
Augusts 31, 2017

The human brain, and any animal brain for that matter, is an engineering marvel that evokes comments from researchers like “beyond anything they’d imagined, almost to the point of being beyond belief” and “a world we had never imagined.

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The human brain is ‘Beyond Belief’

by Jeffrey P. Tomkins Ph.D
Augusts 31, 2017

The human brain, and any animal brain for that matter, is an engineering marvel that evokes comments from researchers like “beyond anything they’d imagined, almost to the point of being beyond belief” and “a world we had never imagined.

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The Flood, catastrophic plate tectonics, and Earth history (2)

by Jake Hebert, Ph.D.
July 31, 2017

Although evolutionary scientists insist there is no evidence for the global, Earth-destroying Flood described in Genesis, accepting the Genesis Flood as literal history enables researchers to make sense of a wide array of geological, climatic, and cultural data.

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The Flood, catastrophic plate tectonics, and Earth history

by Jake Hebert, Ph.D.
July 31, 2017

Although evolutionary scientists insist there is no evidence for the global, Earth-destroying Flood described in Genesis, accepting the Genesis Flood as literal history enables researchers to make sense of a wide array of geological, climatic, and cultural data.

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The Judgement Throne (Bema) of Christ

by DrJohn Whitcomb
December 2017

According to the Bible, God will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we confess our sins. But how does this divine provision relate to Christ’s confrontation with His Church, His Body and Bride, at the Judgment Throne? 

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Islam, migration and the future of Europe (2)

by Tony Pearce

Islam has a concept called ‘dawa’, which means preaching of Islam with a view to non Muslims converting to Islam. The aim of ‘dawa’ is to change the existing society into an Islamic one.  In relation to Europe one way to do this is by mass migration of Muslims into Europe.

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Islam, migration and the future of Europe

by Tony Pearce

Islam has a concept called ‘dawa’, which means preaching of Islam with a view to non Muslims converting to Islam. The aim of ‘dawa’ is to change the existing society into an Islamic one.  In relation to Europe one way to do this is by mass migration of Muslims into Europe.

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