by Answers in Genesis
Without millions and billions of years, evolutionary history completely falls apart. Here are just a few of many credible evidences from various branches of science that tell of a world much younger than evolutionists claim.
by Don Batten
There are many categories of evidence for the age of the earth and the cosmos that indicate they are much younger than is generally asserted today.
by D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.
Here are fourteen natural phenomena which conflict with the evolutionary idea that the universe is billions of years old.
by Lighthouse Trails Editors
August 29, 2017
Unfortunately, Awana is continuing down the emergent road. Here are some examples:
by Lighthouse Trails Editors
March 18, 2016
With so much of the church heading into the contemplative/emergent camp, also known as the spiritual formation movement, what a tragedy it would be to see Awana being sucked into this also.
by Linda Nathan
November 10, 2017
What do we know about marijuana? Is it good for our health? Or can it be harmful and even lead to psychosis? But, most important, how does the Bible deal with it?
by Berit Kjos
May 2, 2017
The following ten points offer practical and scriptural advice on how to raise your children to know and love the Lord and to continue walking in the faith.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
Most people, both Christian and non-Christian, tend to view God as being a sort of Cosmic Teddy Bear. They see Him as big and warm and soft, full of infinite love and forgiveness. He couldn’t hurt a fly, and He certainly wouldn’t be so cruel as to condemn or harm any beings created in His own image.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
Most people, both Christian and non-Christian, tend to view God as being a sort of Cosmic Teddy Bear. They see Him as big and warm and soft, full of infinite love and forgiveness. He couldn’t hurt a fly, and He certainly wouldn’t be so cruel as to condemn or harm any beings created in His own image.
by Tony Pearce
According to Murray (a self-described atheist), ‘Here is an inheritance of thought and culture and philosophy and religion which has nurtured people for thousands of years and may well fulfil you too.’ The ‘religion’ he refers to is, of course, Christianity, which he calls the ‘source’ of European ideas about rights, laws, and the institutions that protect them.
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