by Tony Pearce
According to Murray (a self-described atheist), ‘Here is an inheritance of thought and culture and philosophy and religion which has nurtured people for thousands of years and may well fulfil you too.’ The ‘religion’ he refers to is, of course, Christianity, which he calls the ‘source’ of European ideas about rights, laws, and the institutions that protect them.
by Tony Pearce
October 2017
In a book entitled ‘The Real Messiah’ by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Jesus’ claim to be Messiah is rejected and a future scenario describes how Messiah comes to power. He will solve the Middle East situation with ‘such a demonstration of statesmanship and political genius’ that he will be placed by the major powers in ‘a position of world leadership.
by Tony Pearce
October 2017
In a book entitled ‘The Real Messiah’ by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Jesus’ claim to be Messiah is rejected and a future scenario describes how Messiah comes to power. He will solve the Middle East situation with ‘such a demonstration of statesmanship and political genius’ that he will be placed by the major powers in ‘a position of world leadership.
by Jacqueline Willliams
December 14, 2017
A royal commission investigating the sexual abuse of children in Australia found Friday that the nation was gripped by an epidemic dating back decades, with tens of thousands of children sexually abused in schools, religious organizations and other institutions.
by Jacqueline Willliams
December 14, 2017
A royal commission investigating the sexual abuse of children in Australia found Friday that the nation was gripped by an epidemic dating back decades, with tens of thousands of children sexually abused in schools, religious organizations and other institutions.
by Heartcry
قائمة من المقالات المسيحية
by Josh Manley
December 12, 2015
The God who can’t be stopped – الله الذي لا يمكن ايقافه
by Leonard Ravenhill
There’s nothing that gives us away as much as our speech. Our words reflect what’s in our hearts. We are responsible for the words that we speak. The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth what is evil. (Matt. 12:34-35)
Anger is a powerful emotion it can strike suddenly, taking over our thoughts with violent force. At times, it seems uncontrollable. And its devastating effects can leave your faith, your family or your career in ruins.
by Pat Robertson
Prayer is communion with God. It is the closest, most intimate relationship with the Creator you can have.
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