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Cliquez sur les chapitres ci-dessous pour écouter. Ils seront automatiquement jouer le suivant. Cliquez sur ‘zip’ à la fin de la page pour télécharger le livre complet.
by Word Project
现在,您可以享受聆听圣经了, 让这生命的话语进入您的人生,并改变,启发,鼓励您。 您能在线收听或者下载文档。从下面的音频中选择您的语言。
Free Arabic Audio Bible online – الكتاب المقدس العربي الحر على الانترنت
by Word Project
محاولة لدينا التطبيق ل’أندرويد’. الكتاب المقدس الصوت باللغة العربية و 35 لغات أخرى.
Try our app for ‘Android’. Bible audio in Arabic and 35 other languages.
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by CBN News
December 6, 2017
‘Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital. Acknowledging this as a fact is a necessary condition for achieving peace.’
by Word Free
Sicela ukhethe incwadi eBhayibhelini eNgcwele ngolimi LwesiZulu.
by Word Free
by Free Bibles
For non-profit and private use only.
by Rhona Knight
Self-esteem is well defined by Alister and Joanna McGrath as ‘a global evaluation or judgment about personal acceptability and worthiness to be loved… strongly related to the perceived views of the person by important others in his or her life’.
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