by David Fiorazo
October 4, 2017
Many have already been deceived as the Enemy has had success defining the terms of battle, and in many cases, redefining words. The Left has been promoting sin as normal, natural, and healthy, and when Christians speak up, it leads to charges of intolerance. If we do nothing, even more people will call evil good.”
by David Fiorazo
Christianity is not the thriving, influential power it once was in America. With a majority of people claiming the Christian tradition, why does our godless culture barely reflect the light of Jesus Christ?
by William
Yoga is not just a harmless physical exercise, it opens the door to demonic control. The consequences are more serious than you might realise.
by Dennis Prager
April 7, 2015
The steepening decline of America is evident in the family, in education, in morality, religion and in art.
by Tim Challies
September 7, 2017
The Bible is clear that God has ordained a pattern of leadership and submission within the home – the husband is to lead and the wife is to willingly submit to his leadership.
by Tim Challies
Brian McLaren has denied the literal nature of hell; he has denied the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ; he has denied Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father; he has affirmed homosexuality as good and pleasing to God. And he continues to think and to write, meaning that his theological development is not yet complete.
by Tim Challies
Brian McLaren has denied the literal nature of hell; he has denied the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ; he has denied Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father; he has affirmed homosexuality as good and pleasing to God. And he continues to think and to write, meaning that his theological development is not yet complete.
by Tim Challies
April 2, 2014
Peale’s most successful by far was The Power of Positive Thinking. This book was written to demonstrate that you do not need to be defeated by anything, that you can have peace of mind, improved health, and a never-ceasing flow of energy. In short, that your life can be fully of joy and satisfaction.
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