by Michael Brown
September 28, 2017
Hugh Hefner has died at the age of 91. I hope he found grace and repentance before leaving this world. I also hope that his death will signify the end of the sexual revolution. It has failed miserably on every front. May it never rise again.
by Phumulo Masualle
July 30, 2017
The link between substance abuse and violence cannot be underestimated. Police Minister Fikile Mbalula reported recently that children who abuse drugs were being used to fuel tensions and carry out violence in volatile communities.
by Amy Spreeman
July 12, 2017
On August 10-11, 2017, hundreds of church host sites in North America along with telecast centers in over 100 nations world-wide will tune in to the 2017 Global Leadership Summit, hosted by founder Bill Hybels of Willow Creek church. Please read this article before making a decision to attend the Summit in South Africa.
by Steven Kozar
March 8, 2017
The ‘attractional’ church model starts with the idea that “normal” church is unattractive and can’t bring in new people, so exciting new ideas must be implemented in order to get people in the door.
by Steven Kozar
March 8, 2017
The ‘attractional’ church model starts with the idea that “normal” church is unattractive and can’t bring in new people, so exciting new ideas must be implemented in order to get people in the door.
by Eitan Bar
When one properly understands Psalm 22, our true Messiah and savior can be easily discerned. He who has suffered unbearable agony, was crucified to death and rose from the dead. King David wasn’t referring to himself.
by Dr. Dillon Burroughs
The Bible has very clear instructions about dealing with racism.
by Jewish Voice
Yeshua is the Messiah of the Jewish People. Messianic Judaism is an expression of faith in Yeshua that combines the lifestyle and heritage of Judaism with the New Covenant teachings of Jesus as the only provision for salvation from sin and God’s New Covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31.
by Chosen People Ministries
Our extensive database of articles covers themes of antisemitism, evangelism, holidays and festivals, international Jewish communities, Jewish roots, Israel, personal stories, and prophecy.
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