by Joe Crews
If the change of the Sabbath did not take place in the Scriptures or through the influence of the apostles, when and how did it happen? In order to understand this, we must understand what happened in that early church soon after the apostles passed off the stage of action.
by Dr. Mordechai Kedar
July 30, 2017
In light of the recent terror attack, subsequent riots and unrest at the Temple Mount as Muslims struggle to maintain sovereignty over the site, Dr. Kedar’s exposure of one of the biggest lies told by Islam is more relevant than ever.
by Dr. Mordechai Kedar
July 30, 2017
In light of the recent terror attack, subsequent riots and unrest at the Temple Mount as Muslims struggle to maintain sovereignty over the site, Dr. Kedar’s exposure of one of the biggest lies told by Islam is more relevant than ever.
by Brandon Showalter
July 25, 2017
Social media and online gaming are unfulfilling substitutes for human relationships. The power, identity, and even friendships that social media and technology provide distorts our perception of reality and contributes to the rising rates of mental health breakdown.
by Brandon Showalter
July 25, 2017
Social media and online gaming are unfulfilling substitutes for human relationships. The power, identity, and even friendships that social media and technology provide distorts our perception of reality and contributes to the rising rates of mental health breakdown.
by Anugrah Kumar
July 22, 2017
Authorities in Iran are increasingly targeting Christian converts with arrests and imprisonments, according to the New York-based Center for Human Rights In Iran.
by Anugrah Kumar
July 22, 2017
Authorities in Iran are increasingly targeting Christian converts with arrests and imprisonments, according to the New York-based Center for Human Rights In Iran.
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