by Bill Muehlenberg
May 9, 2017
Another noted atheist who set out to prove that Christianity was a bunch of hogwash is Lee Strobel. Most Christians would know of his story. He was an atheist and a rising star as an investigative journalist, writing for the Chicago Tribune.
by Roger Oakland
July 5, 2017
During the Reformation the reformers split from the Roman Catholic Church in an attempt to re-establish what they believed was a Bible-based Christianity. The reformers, and those who followed their lead, then faced what was called the Counter Reformation (by Rome) and were persecuted.
by Miscellaneous News Source
March 16th, 2016
In just a few years from now, there could be over 55 million people in America practicing Yoga! Couple that with all the other forms of meditation that Americans are practicing, and we surely are living in a “namaste nation.”
by Tony Pearce
Those who blame God for the Nazi Holocaust should note that the roots of the Nazi ideology lay in a definite rejection, indeed a bitter hatred of not just Judaism, but the God of the Bible and authentic Christianity. In this connection it is interesting to note the following thoughts written by Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher who first proclaimed that “God is dead.”
by Tony Pearce
Those who blame God for the Nazi Holocaust should note that the roots of the Nazi ideology lay in a definite rejection, indeed a bitter hatred of not just Judaism, but the God of the Bible and authentic Christianity. In this connection it is interesting to note the following thoughts written by Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher who first proclaimed that “God is dead.”
by Michael Snyder
July 3, 2017
In recent years, we have been hearing a lot about “gender fluidity,” and this is yet another example of that phenomenon. The distinctions between men and women are being blurred, and there are many who would like to eliminate them altogether.
by Michael Snyder
June 28,2017
The left does not believe in free speech and the marketplace of ideas. Instead, they believe in hate speech laws and using the legal system as a tool to punish those that do not see things the same way that they do.
by Lee Saul
June 30, 2017
In our view, the court’s decision has affirmed the place of religion in the public sphere, specifically in public schools, whilst requiring schools to not brand themselves in a manner that could be excluding of minorities.
by FixThisNation
June 29, 2017
Liberals have been fighting for decades to remove any remnant of Biblical teachings from public school classrooms. But occasionally – and maybe it’s an illusion – the good guys win one.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
The historical abuse of the Jews by the Church
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