by Gary
April 26, 2017
On April 22nd, more than one million South Africans of all races gathered for an unprecedented day of prayer for their nation. It was the largest prayer gathering in the history of the country and perhaps the largest ever on the African sub-continent.
by Daniel Darling
April 9, 2015
How should an adult child relate to his or her parents? There is a tension in Scripture between obeying the Scripture which says to “leave and cleave” in forming your own adult identity and family and obeying the Scripture which says to “honor your father and mother”
by Daniel Darling
April 9, 2015
How should an adult child relate to his or her parents? There is a tension in Scripture between obeying the Scripture which says to “leave and cleave” in forming your own adult identity and family and obeying the Scripture which says to “honor your father and mother”
by Kenneth Boa
Children are a gift from the Lord. They are God’s possession, not ours. He has temporarily placed them under our care; in effect, our children are “on loan” from God. We have been given the task of raising them up from a state of complete dependence to a state of complete independence so that we can release them to God by the time they reach maturity.
by Gregory Reid
April 4, 2017
The church has opened the door to the New Age. What started out as just a crack has now become a wide open door. In just a few short decades, the walls of biblical discernment have been so completely torn down that the majority of church goers seem completely oblivious to the deception that has entered.
by Gregory Reid
April 4, 2017
The church has opened the door to the New Age. What started out as just a crack has now become a wide open door. In just a few short decades, the walls of biblical discernment have been so completely torn down that the majority of church goers seem completely oblivious to the deception that has entered.
by Kurt Kondrich
August 26, 2016
‘Deliver us from Evil’ is a cry you would hear from children receiving a death verdict in the womb once diagnosed with Down syndrome, and isn’t it time we end this silent eugenic movement?
by Kurt Kondrich
August 26, 2016
‘Deliver us from Evil’ is a cry you would hear from children receiving a death verdict in the womb once diagnosed with Down syndrome, and isn’t it time we end this silent eugenic movement?
by Kurt Kondrich
August 26, 2016
‘Deliver us from Evil’ is a cry you would hear from children receiving a death verdict in the womb once diagnosed with Down syndrome, and isn’t it time we end this silent eugenic movement?
by Ken Ham
A significant number of Christians would claim that such “interracial” marriages directly violate God’s principles in the Bible and should not be allowed.
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