by Answers in Genesis
The term race is often used to classify people based almost solely on physical characteristics. According to evolutionary ideas, these so-called races descended from different ancestors separated by location and time. However, based on biblical history, the term race must be incorrect. We are all one race, the human race.
Author: Olivier J. Melnick
The author touches not only a subject of special interest to him and others, but also expresses his deep-heart conviction of what has happened with anti-Semitism in the past, what is happening in the present, and what the Bible says will happen in the future.
Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
Six million Jews…dead. The monstrosity of Adolph Hitler’s ‘Third Reich’ remains a stunning chapter in the pages of history. Although the power by which he hypnotized an entire nation is legendary, one question in particular begs an answer: Where was the church of Christ? Seduced by the Satanic majesty of The Fuhrer, church leaders throughout Germany allowed the Swastika a prominent place alongside the Christian cross in their sanctuaries.
Author: Michael L. Brown
From the first “Christian” persecutions of the Jews in the fourth century to the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust, from Israel-bashing in today’s press to anti-Semitism in today’s pulpits, this shocking and painful book tells the tragic story of the “Church” and the Jewish people. It is a story every Christian must hear.
by Doug Bandow
October 31, 2016
Nowhere is the attack on people of faith more virulent than in the DPRK. People of good will around the world should hope, pray, and act on behalf of liberty for the North Korean people.
by Open Doors
In North Korea hundreds of thousands of Christians are in captivity. About 100,000 of these Christians are banished to remote villages or held is high-security labour camps.
April 12, 2017
Should OGOD be successful in Court, it can mean the end of (even voluntary participation in) Scripture reading and prayer, praise and worship, SCA and other Christian activities in public schools.
by Andre Viljoen
April 26, 2017
Pretoria business, political and church leaders packed the City of Tshwane council chamber on Monday night at a lively prayer session that formed part of the Africa Leadership Summit which links African Christian leaders from different sectors of society with Israel.
by Sue Bohlin
May 27, 2016
Many Christians hold a decidedly unbiblical view of work. Some view it as a curse while others make it into an idol, expecting it to provide them with their identity and purpose in life as well as being a source of joy and fulfillment that only God can provide.
by Dr Zukeran
Dr. Zukeran brings a biblical perspective to a question we all would like to know: what happens to me after I die? He looks to the Bible to determine what we can and cannot know about our life after we pass out of our present bodies.
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