by Charles Stone
February 9, 2022
During a survey Americans were asked what they would be willing to do for 10 million dollars. James Patterson and Peter Kim were shocked at their discovery.
by Restavek Freedom
The history of slavery is a large and untellable story, full of tragedy and cruelty that spans both centuries and continents.
by DW
Slavery isn’t a thing of the past, but a reality for more than 40 million people around the globe. DW talks to one of the world’s oldest anti-slavery organization about why slavery still exists today.
by Borgen Project
Today estimates determine that over 40 million people live in modern-day slavery, making it more rampant than it has ever been in human history. A significant amount of this trafficking takes place in Africa.
by United Nations
Only with a concerted effort by governments, private companies, non-governmental organizations, and above all communities, can we hope to end the horror of human trafficking.
Members of the youth-serving community and those who regularly interact with young people are in a unique position to recognize children who may be victims of human trafficking or on the path to becoming victimized.
Traffickers are not only men; women are also perpetrators. Increasingly, traffickers are using fear tactics to lure children and youth into commercial sex acts and/or compelled labor. The base of the issue is the traffickers’ goal of exploiting and enslaving victims and the coercive and deceptive practices they use to do so.
by Compelling Truth
Human trafficking is absolutely unbiblical, and Bible-believing Christians are working to end it. Christ-followers should follow Jesus in proclaiming liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners.
by DoSomething
Human trafficking is a crime that forcefully exploits women, men, and children. According to the United Nations, human trafficking affects every country in the world, but it’s not talked about enough.
by Salvation International
August 25, 1995
New evidence is surfacing that the human organs that China sells at such handsome profits on international markets come not only from its multitudes of political prisoners but also from an even more abundant source – the tens of millions of abandoned girl babies.
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