by Christian Concern
March 3rd, 2017
Bioethicists have called for a ban on using a new pre-natal test to determine the sex of a baby, because it may lead to more ‘gender-abortions’.
by Living Waters
February 10, 2017
‘Ten of the top scientific facts in the Bible’ is a half-hour of awe-inspiring and faith-building video, filled with ancient biblical tlruths – the earth’s free float in space, the dinosaur and why it disappeared, laws of quarantine, the earth being round, and much more.
by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Holocaust deniers ignore the overwhelming evidence of the event and insist that the Holocaust is a myth, invented by the Allies, the Soviet communists, and the Jews for their own ends.
by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The best known of the war crimes trials held after World War II was the trial of “major” German war criminals held in Nuremberg, Germany. The American prosecutors at Nuremberg decided the best evidence against Nazi war criminals was the record left by the Nazi German state itself.
by followingjesuschrist3
January 22, 2016
One of the most profound and destructive lies spouted by both Christians and non-Christians alike, is that believers in Jesus Christ are not to ever judge anyone or anything. We are simply told to live and let live, as our culture and even our Christian friends disintegrate before our eyes – falling into apostasy, and away from all that is true and right before our great God.
by Samaria Mission
The African Traditional Religion has no founder. It evolved through many centuries, before the westerner come to Africa. Different fathers played a role in the development of this religion. It is not documented. It has no sacred book or Scripture. It is written in the hearts, history and experience of the people. It is passed with the word of mouth.
by Dan van Veen
May 5, 2017
The National Day of Prayer was given greater prominence this year as President Donald Trump met with dozens of religious leaders for several hours on Wednesday, followed by an invitation to join him in the Rose Garden at the White House Thursday morning for the signing of an executive order that promotes free speech and religious liberty.
by Philippa Taylor
March 15, 2016
Each one of us holds to a particular worldview which shapes our beliefs and ethics accordingly. Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, humanist, secularist – all of us have a right to be heard equally and respectfully in our democratic public forum and all ideas and arguments considered on their merits.
by Dr Peter Saunders
November 11, 2013
Joseph Fletcher believed that there are no absolute laws other than the law of ‘agape’ love, meaning that all the other laws are only guidelines on how to achieve this love, and could be broken if an alternative course of action would result in more love.
Uploaded by Top-5 Top-10
Published on January 24, 2017
While we may think animals are dumb and unaware of their human heroes, we are quickly learning that they are paying attention.
In this video are some of the most remarkable stories of animals who have saved the lives of humans.
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