by Dr Peter Saunders
July 5, 2016
We live in times when the very foundations of our civilisation are being destroyed: the NHS with its burgeoning needs and shrinking budgets, mounting national debt, political and economic uncertainty following ‘Brexit’, the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, creeping atheism and secular humanism.
by Guest
March 23, 2017
At the heart of the film are two intertwining themes: that we can only find happiness in caring for each other and that all of us are vulnerable and needy, not just people with Down syndrome.
by Christian Concern
April 20, 2017
The National Union of Teachers has passed a motion calling on its members to teach nursery children about same-sex relationships and transsexualism.
by Dr Joe Boot
October 16th, 2015
With robust Christian faith gone, the modern state’s only recourse is a pragmatism in which historic English liberties are jettisoned. Out of fear and confusion, they refuse to confront the real threat – Islam – head-on and hide behind extremism measures that will be used by progressives to assault Christianity. This leads to the tragic conclusion that, for many elites, the real targets of these new proposals aren’t terrorists, but Christians who refuse to accept the new order.
by Dr Joe Boot
October 16th, 2015
With robust Christian faith gone, the modern state’s only recourse is a pragmatism in which historic English liberties are jettisoned. Out of fear and confusion, they refuse to confront the real threat – Islam – head-on and hide behind extremism measures that will be used by progressives to assault Christianity. This leads to the tragic conclusion that, for many elites, the real targets of these new proposals aren’t terrorists, but Christians who refuse to accept the new order.
by Pastor David J. Meyer
As a former witch, astrologer, and occultist who has been saved by the grace of God, I know that the works of C.S. Lewis are required reading by neophyte witches, especially in the United States and England. This includes The Chronicles of Narnia, because it teaches neophyte, or new witches, the basic mindset of the craft.
by Dave Boehi
February 7, 2015
The counterfeit pleasure of an affair can never overcome the ways infidelity can destroy a life and marriage.
by Mark Hitchcock
December 5, 2017
The truth of the rapture is agreed upon by most Christians, but the same is not true when it comes to the timing of the rapture. Simply stated, the key issue is this: Will the church go through any or all of the seven-year tribulation before the rapture occurs?
by Sue Bohlin
Brittany Maynard, a young woman with an incurable brain tumor, recently took her own life rather than suffer through a painful, difficult descent into natural death. She had moved from California to Oregon, which is a “right-to-die” state that allows terminally ill people to be assisted in ending their lives on their terms.
by Claire Chretien
April 13, 2017
President Trump signed a law today overturning a last-minute Obama-era regulation forcing states to fund Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion business.
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