by Joseph Puder
July 4, 2016
The voiceless people of the states of the European Union have been forced to adopt multiculturalism and political correctness as their new civil religion, and their dissenting voices are now being squashed by a series of measures that amount to the curtailment of free speech.
by Express
January 30, 2017
A secret network of wildlife traffickers selling baby chimpanzees has been exposed by a year-long BBC investigation, spanning half a dozen countries.
by Eric Lyons, M.Min.
Those who are Christians, however, logically contend that since (1) God exists, and (2) the Bible is the Word of God, racism is morally wrong – and completely ridiculous for the following five reasons.
by Michael Houdmann
Beatification and canonization are acts of the Roman Catholic Church declaring that a deceased person led a holy life. People still living can then request the blessed or saint to intercede with God on their behalf.In Roman Catholic practice, the saints are revered, prayed to, and in some instances, worshipped.
by Dr. David Reagan
January 7, 2017
The world – and most Catholics – would probably respond by saying, “So what?” They would argue that her beliefs about God and Jesus are irrelevant because of the incredibly good works she performed for the outcasts of this world.
العربية | المتكلم: جوش مانلي | السلسلة: لاهوت كتابي #1 | الموضوع: خلق الانسان | التاريخ: 11 ديسمبر
العربية | المتكلم: جوش مانلي | السلسلة: لاهوت كتابي #2 | الموضوع: سقوط الانسان | التاريخ: 11 ديسمبر
العربية | المتكلم: جوش مانلي | السلسلة: لاهوت كتابي #3 | الموضوع: المسيح | التاريخ: 12 ديسمبر
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