by McMahon, T.A.
March 1, 2014
How serious a concern is the use of visualization, a technique of hypnosis, by Christian psychologists and inner healers? “Visualization” and “guided imagery” have long been recognized by sorcerers of all kinds as the most powerful and effective methodology for contacting the spirit world in order to acquire supernatural power, knowledge, and healing.
by McMahon, T.A.
Nothing in the history of the modern church has induced believers to abandon their faith in the sufficiency of God’s Word like the pseudo-science of psychological counseling. Most evangelicals are convinced that psychotherapy is scientific and is necessary to supply what is lacking in the Bible regarding man’s mental, emotional, and behavioral needs.
by McMahon, T.A.
Nothing in the history of the modern church has induced believers to abandon their faith in the sufficiency of God’s Word like the pseudo-science of psychological counseling. Most evangelicals are convinced that psychotherapy is scientific and is necessary to supply what is lacking in the Bible regarding man’s mental, emotional, and behavioral needs.
Authors: Marilyn J. Harran and John Roth
The Holocaust Chronicle, written and fact-checked by top scholars, recounts the long, complex, anguishing story of the most terrible crime of the 20th century. A massive, oversized hardcover of more than 750 pages, The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures is an excitingly unique, not for-profit endeavor of the publisher, Louis Weber.
Authors: Marilyn J. Harran and John Roth
The Holocaust Chronicle, written and fact-checked by top scholars, recounts the long, complex, anguishing story of the most terrible crime of the 20th century. A massive, oversized hardcover of more than 750 pages, The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures is an excitingly unique, not for-profit endeavor of the publisher, Louis Weber.
Authors: Marilyn J. Harran and John Roth
The Holocaust Chronicle, written and fact-checked by top scholars, recounts the long, complex, anguishing story of the most terrible crime of the 20th century. A massive, oversized hardcover of more than 750 pages, The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures is an excitingly unique, not for-profit endeavor of the publisher, Louis Weber.
by Dennis Rainey
There is no way to avoid conflict in your marriage. The question is: How will you deal with it?
by Michael Houdmann
Abuse is a learned behavior, and if we allow it to happen and continue, we are in fact accepting it. We cannot and should not accept verbal or emotional abuse, for at least two reasons: it dishonors the Lord and it often escalates to physical abuse.
by Dennis Rainey
Let me begin by saying that I cannot think of a circumstance in a marriage or family that could justify abuse of any kind – emotional, mental, physical, or sexual. Abusive behavior was never and can never be a part of God’s plan for a marriage or a family.
by Dennis Rainey
Let me begin by saying that I cannot think of a circumstance in a marriage or family that could justify abuse of any kind – emotional, mental, physical, or sexual. Abusive behavior was never and can never be a part of God’s plan for a marriage or a family.
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