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Is there any power in positive thinking? (2)

by Michael Houdmann

The idea of the power of positive thinking was popularized by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale in his book The Power of Positive Thinking (1952). According to Peale, people can change future outcomes and events by “thinking” them into existence.

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Is there any power in positive thinking?

by Michael Houdmann

The idea of the power of positive thinking was popularized by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale in his book The Power of Positive Thinking (1952). According to Peale, people can change future outcomes and events by “thinking” them into existence.

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How does psychology work with biblical counseling?

by Michael Houdmann

Secular psychology is based on the teachings of psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Carl Rogers. Biblical, or nouthetic, counseling, on the other hand, is based squarely on the revealed Word of God.

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The suicide of Germany

by Guy Millière
December 26, 2016

The great majority of the Germans do not want to see that Germany is at war, because a merciless enemy has declared war on them. They do not want to see that war has been declared on Western civilization. They accept defeat and docilely do what jihadists want them to do: they submit.

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A State of Palestine has never existed anywhere in the Middle East ever in world history

by Geoffrey Grider

There has never been a nation known as Palestine ever in the history of the world. Nations have governments, armies, currencies, laws and everything else. Palestine is the mythical “ghost nation” created by modern-day Muslims in an attempt to try and undo and destroy the legitimate Jewish state of Israel that has existed for the last 3,500 years.

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Why Israeli Rule in the West Bank Is Legal under International Law

by Eugene Kontorovich
April 8, 2018

Don’t believe the Middle East experts and professionals on the peace process. Anyone who served in the State Department for the past 30 years is thought of as an expert on the peace process. But he also failed consistently in bringing peace, and you should only take him with a grain of salt.

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UN, Obama further radicalize Palestinians

by Khaled Abu Toameh
December 29, 2016

The UN Security Council resolution sent the following message to the Palestinians: Forget about negotiating. Just pressure the international community to force Israel to surrender up all that you demand. Abbas and his cronies have chosen the path of confrontation, and not direct negotiations – to force Israel to its knees.

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