by Dave Hunt
In its mad rebellion against God, the world rejects the “King of the Jews” and His promised rule of international peace from David’s throne in Jerusalem and makes its own plans. The ideal of a humanistic world government has been pursued since Babel.
by CoorDown
March 13, 2014
“Dear Future Mom” was created in 2014 for World Down Syndrome Day, whose purpose is “to help raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome, and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities,”
by Inside Edition
Published on October 19, 2016
A seven-year-old girl with Down syndrome is breaking stereotypes around the world with her videos on social media. Jennifer Sanchez captured footage of her daughter, Sofia, talking about her disorder for Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
by Brother Andrew
As followers of Christ, we must take a bold step: we must shed the ‘enemy image’ we have of those who persecute us. Because the moment we have an enemy image of anyone, God’s love can no longer work through us to reach them! We must pray for and even love those who hate us. — Brother Andrew
by Brother Andrew
As followers of Christ, we must take a bold step: we must shed the ‘enemy image’ we have of those who persecute us. Because the moment we have an enemy image of anyone, God’s love can no longer work through us to reach them! We must pray for and even love those who hate us. — Brother Andrew
by ABC
This amazing video reveals that Dominique Moceanu has a secret sister, one given up for adoption when Dominique was six years old. Her name is Jennifer, and – even without legs – she became a power tumbler, volleyball player and aerial performer.
by ABC
This amazing video reveals that Dominique Moceanu has a secret sister, one given up for adoption without Moceanu ever knowing when Dominique was six years old. Her name is Jennifer, and – even without legs – she became a power tumbler, volleyball player, and aerial performer.
by Jews for Jesus
January 15, 2015
Jews for Jesus has curated approximately 40 of the most helpful messianic prophecies along with their New Testament fulfillments.
by Jews for Jesus
January 15, 2015
Jews for Jesus has curated approximately 40 of the most helpful messianic prophecies along with their New Testament fulfillments.
by Jews for Jesus
January 15, 2015
Jews for Jesus has curated approximately 40 of the most helpful messianic prophecies along with their New Testament fulfillments.
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