by Jews for Jesus
January 15, 2015
Jews for Jesus has curated approximately 40 of the most helpful messianic prophecies along with their New Testament fulfillments.
by DrugFacts
Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent. It is a prescription drug that is also made and used illegally.
by George Muller
George Müller never made requests for financial support, nor did he go into debt, even though the five orphanages cost over £100,000 to build. Many times, he received unsolicited food donations only hours before they were needed to feed the children, further strengthening his faith in God.
by Alex Newman
November 11, 2016
Interpol has now officially selected as its new leader a top “security” official from the brutal communist dictatorship enslaving China. Outraged critics expressed concerns that the appointment would help the Chinese regime better hunt down and terrorize dissidents worldwide.
by Olivier Melnick
To an extent, ISIS has infiltrated all the areas listed in Pslam 83, including Jordan and Egypt, the only two countries with existing peace treaties with Israel. Asaph might have spoken prophetically and we might be getting really close to seeing the evil confederacy of Psalm 83 being formed.
The Lamb of God was predicted in the Old Testament, from the very first lamb that was slain.
There is a very interesting prayer that mentions the name of a high priest, or kohen gadol, which appears in various older machzors, going back over 100 years…His name is Yeshua.
by Dr. Peter Hammond
November 7, 2016
The ANC government advocated a series of legislation that could pose some of the greatest threats to religious freedom and free speech ever seen in our country.To continue click on the link below:
by Dr. Peter Hammond
November 7, 2016
The ANC government advocated a series of legislation that could pose some of the greatest threats to religious freedom and free speech ever seen in our country.To continue click on the link below:
by Dr. Peter Hammond
November 7, 2016
The ANC government advocated a series of legislation that could pose some of the greatest threats to religious freedom and free speech ever seen in our country.
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