Discovery Series
Why waste time thinking about something that sounds impossible? For that matter, why would we even want to run the risk of being thought of as someone who is out of step with society? Why give others an excuse to write us off as being different, impractical, self-righteous, or just plain naive.
by Discovery Series
Vulnerability to X-rated material rests as much in a man’s history of being exposed to porn as it does in his visual makeup. Although past experiences never excuse current behavior, our histories do influence and shape how and where we struggle.
Inhalants” refers to the vapors from toxic substances which are inhaled to reach a quick high. Of more than 1,000 household and other common products that could be abused as inhalants, most often used are shoe polish, glue, toluene, gasoline, lighter fluid etc.
Drinking is more harmful to teens than adults because their brains are still developing throughout adolescence and well into young adulthood. Drinking during this critical growth period can lead to lifelong damage in brain function, particularly as it relates to memory, motor skills and coordination.
Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the world. A survey conducted in 2015 found that 30 million individuals in the US alone had smoked marijuana at least once during the previous month.
by Jonas Anderson
October 25, 2016
Swedish and German taxpayers are financing advertising campaigns urging them to integrate into the new countries that the mass migration is creating. The changes are irreversible and the old way of life is not coming back, so get used to it and adapt, the natives were told.
by Paul Tautges
August 7, 2015
Why must a Christian be pro-life? Here are 10 reasons.
by Jewish Virtual Library
A common misperception is that the Jews were forced into the diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D. and then, 1,800 years later, suddenly returned to Palestine demanding their country back. In reality, the Jewish people have maintained ties to their historic homeland for more than 3,700 years.
by Itamar Eichner
October 13, 2016
The United Nations body passes resolution denying all connection between Jews, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount; Netanyahu: ‘To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and Western Wall is like saying China has no connection to the Great Wall.
by Herescope
October 3, 2016
What many zealous proponents of ecumenical unity neglect to realize, is that this unholy alliance is a necessary step in completing Rome’s ungodly interreligious bridge to one world unification – under the authority of the Pope himself. Without question, the Evangelical change agents involved in this ungodly endeavor, who are leading their own enormous flocks and Internet audience into apostasy, all look to the Roman Pontiff for direction, approval, and affirmation.
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