by Herescope
October 3, 2016
What many zealous proponents of ecumenical unity neglect to realize, is that this unholy alliance is a necessary step in completing Rome’s ungodly interreligious bridge to one world unification – under the authority of the Pope himself. Without question, the Evangelical change agents involved in this ungodly endeavor, who are leading their own enormous flocks and Internet audience into apostasy, all look to the Roman Pontiff for direction, approval, and affirmation.
by ABC Bid Ideas
October 12, 2014
Do science and God mix? It has become accepted wisdom that science and religion represent two incompatible ways of viewing the world. John Lennox, however, is a mathematician from Oxford and a Christian. In this discussion, John Lennox sets out to show us how this is not the case.
by Eternal Productions
This booklet presents 101 scientific facts found in the Scriptures. Many of these facts were penned centuries before they were discovered. Scientific foreknowledge found only in the Bible offers one more piece to the collective proof that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of the Creator.
by Eternal Productions
This booklet presents 101 scientific facts found in the Scriptures. Many of these facts were penned centuries before they were discovered. Scientific foreknowledge found only in the Bible offers one more piece to the collective proof that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of the Creator.
by David Wise
December 1, 2003
What follows is a brief summary of the biblical instructions pertaining to public health and sanitation. Bear in mind that these regulations were practiced some 3,500 years before the germ concept of disease was discovered.
by D Gon, B Hyun, and S Hong
April 1, 1994
In this study, the safety of Noah’s Ark in the severe environments imposed by waves and winds during the Genesis Flood was investigated. Three major safety parameters – structural safety, overturning stability, and seakeeping quality – were evaluated altogether to assess the safety of the whole system.
by Tim Lovett
Last featured January 12, 2016
The scale of the Ark is huge yet remarkably realistic when compared to the largest wooden ships in history. The proportions are even more amazing – they are just like a modern cargo ship. In fact, a 1993 Korean study was unable to find fault with the specifications.
deur Andre Bekker
Oktober 5, 2016
André Bekker, voorheen gay, het die volgende brief aan al die NG predikante ge-e-pos.
by Herescope
October 3, 2016
What many zealous proponents of ecumenical unity neglect to realize, is that this unholy alliance is a necessary step in completing Rome’s ungodly interreligious bridge to one world unification – under the authority of the Pope himself. Without question, the Evangelical change agents involved in this ungodly endeavor, who are leading their own enormous flocks and Internet audience into apostasy, all look to the Roman Pontiff for direction, approval, and affirmation.
scritto da Christian Assemblies International
Prima o poi ognuno accetta l’innegabile fatto di dover morire. Il corpo cesserà di funzionare e sarà messo in una bara e sotterrato, oppure cremato e disperso: in ogni modo non ne rimane nulla e alla fine neanche un ricordo.
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