scritto da Christian Assemblies International
Un elenco di insegnamenti non biblici della Chiesa Cattolica Romana
scritto da Christian Assemblies International
Non c’è piano più grande del piano della nostra salvezza. Dio sapeva che le persone che Egli aveva creato avrebbero peccato e questo è il motivo per cui fece in modo che loro potessero essere salvati dal sacrificio di Suo Figlio. Il redentore venne” ”quando il tempo era compiuto””.
deur Andre Bekker
Oktober 5, 2016
“Sê nou leiers is verkeerd, en homoseks is sonde, wat dan?” Was my vraag aan ’n baie bekende pro-gay terapeut in die NG Kerk geledere. Die antwoord op die vraag was: “as ek fouteer dan wil ek eerder fouteer aan die kant van liefde.”
by In Defense of Animals
Hunting is a violent and cowardly form of outdoor “entertainment” that kills hundreds of millions of animals every year, many of whom are wounded and die a slow and painful death. Hunters cause injuries, pain and suffering to defenseless animals, destroy their families and habitat, and leave terrified and dependent baby animals behind to starve to death.
by Ann Marie
January 11, 2016
Ecumenism seems plausible because Catholics use words in a way that outsiders don’t understand. Because Protestants don’t understand what Catholics really mean, they think they have a lot of things in common, when in reality, they don’t.
by Ann Marie
January 11, 2016
Ecumenism seems plausible because Catholics use words in a way that outsiders don’t understand. Because Protestants don’t understand what Catholics really mean, they think they have a lot of things in common, when in reality, they don’t.
by Gaylene Goodroad
This e-booklet examines how the soaring popularity of the Star Wars film franchise has also resulted in a cunning validation of the mystical ki (chi) energy of the Martial Arts. The author reveals how these Eastern belief systems are threatening to subvert and undermine the biblical Christian faith.
écrit par: Christian Assemblies International
Dans toutes les églises chrétiennes qui prêchent le conseil de Dieu dans son intégralité, et où le caractère du Chrétien est façonné pour ressembler de plus en plus à celui de Christ, vous trouverez toujours des gens qui, à la première difficulté, choisissent la facilité et se mettent à la recherche d’une église qui leur permettra de rester inchangés.
écrit par: Christian Assemblies International
Une liste des croyances non bibliques de l’église catholique romaine
écrit par: Christian Assemblies International
Tôt ou tard, chacun accepte le fait austère qu’il devra mourir. Le corps s’arrêtera de fonctionner et sera enterré dans un cercueil, ou bien il sera brûlé et les cendres seront éparpillées : d’une façon ou d’une autre, il semble que rien ne reste et qu’en fin de compte, tout soit oublié.
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