by T. A. McMahon
September 29, 2016
According to the Scriptures, in the last days prior to Christ’s return a religion will appear that will deceive virtually the entire world into following it. It will be led by the Antichrist who will be worshiped as God.
by Melody Green
There are many families who have been waiting and desperately praying for years for the chance to adopt a child. Your child may be the answer to their prayers! Adoption is a reasonable and caring thing to do if you don’t feel you can keep your baby. If you are unable to raise your child yourself, then you have the chance to give the greatest possible gift of all – the gift of life!
by Melody Green
Marriage is the biggest and most important decision you will make after your decision to follow Jesus. All marriages start out with a “first date”. One of the main problems is that too many Christians approach the idea of dating with far too casual an attitude.
by Majid Rafizadeh
August 4, 2016
One year into the nuclear deal, two credible and timely intelligence reports reveal that Iran has no intention of honoring the terms of the deal, which, anyway, it never signed.
by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
Using the Book of Revelation as an end time road map, Dr. Fruchtenbaum weaves the prophetic writings of the Hebrew Scriptures and Messiah s teachings to reveal God s plan for the future of Israel and the world.
by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
Using the Book of Revelation as an end time road map, Dr. Fruchtenbaum weaves the prophetic writings of the Hebrew Scriptures and Messiah s teachings to reveal God s plan for the future of Israel and the world.
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Since the whole concept of a dying Messiah is so foreign to modern Judaism, although it was once part of Judaism, there is a question that must be answered: Why did the Messiah have to die? In the course of answering this question, a second one arises: What is the means of redemption?
by Michael Houdmann
God cares for the animals, so should we. In fact, it is God’s care for animals that most fully explains our desire to have pets. God created mankind in His image (Genesis 1:27), and we have inherited the part of God’s nature that cares for the animals.
by Michael Krauszer
December 10, 2014
We are to care for animals as part of God’s creation. It would be irresponsible for any Christian to harm or mistreat an animal, since God created them and gave them into our hands.
by John McArthur
Are you a Christian? Many people who claim to be point to some event in the past to substantiate their claim. But inviting Jesus to come into your life in the past is not proof that you are genuinely saved.
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