Geschreven door Anton Bosch
Het werkwoord “aanspraak maken” blijkt onlangs te zijn veranderd van betekenis. De afkomst van dit werkwoord dateert van de 14de eeuw maar in de laatste voorbije jaren heeft het een nieuwe betekenis gekregen. Oorspronkelijk betekende het dat iemand wettelijk “aanspraak maakte” op een privilege, een genot of een eigendom.
Geschrieben von Anton Bosch
Kürzlich suchte ich im lnternet nach dem Begriff „Gott erleben“ und erhielt 51 Millionen Treffer.1 Erstaunlich – dies muss ein wichtiger Begriff sein. „Natürlich ist es das“, höre ich Sie sagen: „Wir müssen Gott erleben“ – dies ist eine so gängige Vorstellung unter Christen von heute, dass sie von jedem akzeptiert wird ohne einen Zweifel, ob es sich um Gottes Willen für uns handelt.
by Dr. Steven C. Riser
Christian joy is not so much a feeling as it is a choice. But some will immediately respond, “How can I possibly be always joyful with the hurts, the pains and the difficulties that God has allowed to enter my life?” That’s a fair question but God has a good answer.
by Chris Lawson
December 9, 2013
It is no secret these days that Christian bookstore and ministry resource databases are often jam-packed with so – called Christian resources that are actually promoting anything but biblical Christianity. This is the primary reason for these three lists – to help warn and protect you, the reader, and to provide a quick reference guide.
by Chris Lawson
December 9, 2013
It is no secret these days that Christian bookstore and ministry resource databases are often jam-packed with so – called Christian resources that are actually promoting anything but biblical Christianity. This is the primary reason for these three lists – to help warn and protect you, the reader, and to provide a quick reference guide.
by Chris Lawson
December 9, 2013
It is no secret these days that Christian bookstore and ministry resource databases are often jam-packed with so – called Christian resources that are actually promoting anything but biblical Christianity. This is the primary reason for these three lists – to help warn and protect you, the reader, and to provide a quick reference guide.
by Warren B Smith
September 5, 2016
Leonard Sweet’s mission is to help the church become more culturally relevant in the 21st century. However, as he attempts to walk the narrow line between the Gospel and the world, he frequently walks over that line into the false teachings of the New Age/New Spirituality.
by Warren B Smith
September 5, 2016
Leonard Sweet’s mission is to help the church become more culturally relevant in the 21st century. However, as he attempts to walk the narrow line between the Gospel and the world, he frequently walks over that line into the false teachings of the New Age/New Spirituality.
by Warren B Smith
September 5, 2016
Leonard Sweet’s mission is to help the church become more culturally relevant in the 21st century. However, as he attempts to walk the narrow line between the Gospel and the world, he frequently walks over that line into the false teachings of the New Age/New Spirituality.
by KIDS Answers
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life – John 3:16
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