by Dr. Susanna Kokkonen
April 26, 2013
All in all early Christianity, spearheaded by the early Church fathers, began to view Judaism as inferior to Christianity and Jews themselves as evil and cursed, unworthy of mercy and love. In essence, a Jew was regarded as worse than a pagan.
by Andreas Kostenberger
Today, marriage and the family are regularly viewed as social conventions that can be entered into and severed by the marital partners at will. As long as a given marriage relationship meets the needs of both individuals involved and is considered advantageous by both sides, the marriage is worth sustaining.
by Andreas Kostenberger
Today, marriage and the family are regularly viewed as social conventions that can be entered into and severed by the marital partners at will. As long as a given marriage relationship meets the needs of both individuals involved and is considered advantageous by both sides, the marriage is worth sustaining.
by Herb Vander Lugt
Who chooses where we will spend eternity? For generations, readers of the Bible have struggled with this question. Countless arguments over the
role of God’s sovereignty and human freedom have divided individuals, churches, and denominations.
by Herb Vander Lugt
Who chooses where we will spend eternity? For generations, readers of the Bible have struggled with this question. Countless arguments over the
role of God’s sovereignty and human freedom have divided individuals, churches, and denominations.
by Herb Vander Lugt
Who chooses where we will spend eternity? For generations, readers of the Bible have struggled with this question. Countless arguments over the role of God’s sovereignty and human freedom have divided individuals, churches and denominations.
by Karen O’Conner
How could I forgive the woman who had gone after my husband and ultimately married him?
by Bill Muehlenberg
February 16, 2015
The hyper grace crowd preach the glorious truth of justification by grace alone, but then overlook the hundreds of imperatives found in the New Testament which urge these newly justified believers to work out this wonderful salvation by growing in obedience and holiness – sanctification in other words.
by Bill Muehlenberg
February 16, 2015
The hyper grace crowd preach the glorious truth of justification by grace alone, but then overlook the hundreds of imperatives found in the New Testament which urge these newly justified believers to work out this wonderful salvation by growing in obedience and holiness – sanctification in other words.
by Bill Muehlenberg
May 22, 2010
“This is the day of excusing sin instead of purging sin. An entire school of thought has developed justifying sin within the church and trying to prove that sin is perfectly normal, and therefore acceptable” – A.W. Tozer
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