by Gregory Reid
August 19th, 2013
I’ve written from my history, my head, and my heart. There’s not a lot of statistics, but I’ve put in a few for those who just want to help. A lot of the following is from my own experience, as graphic and real as I dare. For me, no one knew. No one should have to struggle that way.
by Debbie Dewart
Scott Peck began his trek down The Road Less Traveled as a Buddhist when he wrote his best selling book by that title. By the time his second book was published, he claimed a conversion to Christianity. However, his Buddhist teachings remain a vital part of his writings, along with other aberrations such as process theology, Mormonism, New Age doctrine, and the secular humanist values of psychotherapy.
by Debbie Dewart
Scott Peck began his trek down The Road Less Traveled as a Buddhist when he wrote his best selling book by that title. By the time his second book was published, he claimed a conversion to Christianity. However, his Buddhist teachings remain a vital part of his writings, along with other aberrations such as process theology, Mormonism, New Age doctrine, and the secular humanist values of psychotherapy.
Bill Meuhlenberg
January 29, 2014
Homosexuals of course cannot reproduce – they can only recruit. And recruiting children into this dangerous lifestyle has long been part of their agenda. There are plenty of ways in which they target children, and they have made their aims quite clear here.
by Bill Muehlenberg
August 27, 2014
The father has the greater impact on the daughter’s ability to trust, enjoy and relate well to the males in her life … well-fathered daughters are usually more self-confident, more self-reliant, and more successful in school and in their careers than poorly-fathered daughters
by Peter Hammond
The secularisation and paganisation of large sections of Europe is tragic. There are surprisingly dynamic pockets of spiritual vitality and life amidst the general atheism and heathenism, but the general picture in Europe is of spiritual decline.
by Abortions Facts
Networks of killing centers across the globe are eliminating “unwanted, unborn” children at a staggering rate. Were the context not abortion, the world would be outraged. Call it what you want, when an innocent group of human beings is targeted and exterminated by the millions, that is an injustice on par with any of history’s most egregious atrocities. At the end of the day, abortion is not only comparable to past crimes against humanity but is also, by sheer volume, the greatest holocaust of all.
by Abortion Facts
Yes, every abortion kills an innocent human being. Even more alarming is the fact that beginning at the 8th week of development, an unborn baby that is aborted feels pain during the abortion. The baby feels both psychological and real physical, organic pain. Let that sink in.
by Dr. Henry M. Morris
A landmark book, tracing the origins of evolutionary thought from the dawn of history to the present time. Learn how Greek philosophy, Darwinian evolution, and humanism all have polluted man’s knowledge of the true God. Morris has spent 55 years researching evolution’s origins, and this heavily documented work is a fascinating read for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes developments that ushered in the modern philosophy that seeks to eliminate God.
by Dr. Henry M. Morris
A landmark book, tracing the origins of evolutionary thought from the dawn of history to the present time. Learn how Greek philosophy, Darwinian evolution, and humanism all have polluted man’s knowledge of the true God. Morris has spent 55 years researching evolution’s origins, and this heavily documented work is a fascinating read for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes developments that ushered in the modern philosophy that seeks to eliminate God.
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