by The Gospel Coalition
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
by Got Questions
To evangelize means to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone else. Personal evangelism should be the lifestyle of every true Christian. We’ve been given a great gift, and our Master left us with clear instructions: ‘Go into all the world and make disciples of every nation’
by Charlie Boyd
Christians who believe and teach what the Scriptures say about God, life, faith, gender, marriage, abortion will be labeled as bigots, haters, racists. It’s already happening, but it will get worse.
by North Star Church
May 24, 2020
The Cross and the Switchblade is the dramatic and inspiring true story of a small-town minister called to help inner-city kids everyone else believed were beyond hope.
by Ed Reese
Hudson Taylor was the most widely used missionary in China’s history. During his 51 years of service there, his China Inland Mission established 20 mission stations, brought 849 missionaries to the field.
by Radio Free China
Doug Sutphen is best remembered for leading the audacious ‘Project Pearl‘ in 1981 – when one million Chinese Bibles, weighing 232 tons, were delivered by barge to thousands of waiting Christians on a beach in southern China.
by Dale Hurd
May 3, 2020
Europe is being re-evangelized by African Christians just as European missionaries took the Gospel to Africa and Asia.
by The John Ankerberg Show
August 14, 1999
The martial arts are ancient methods of self-defense that are traditionally based upon Eastern philosophies or religions, especially Taoism and Zen Buddhism.
by Johan Malan, University of the North, South Africa
The movement endeavours to raise the consciousness level of humanity, to unlock mystical powers in people, to unite the world religiously, politically, economically, and socially, and to pave the way for the appearance of a single world leader.
by Got Questions
According to the New Age movement all is God. It is pantheism – trees, snails, books, and people are all of one divine essence. A personal God who has revealed Himself in the Bible and in Jesus Christ is completely rejected. Since God is impersonal, the New Ager doesn’t have to serve Him. God is an ‘it,’ not a ‘He.’
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