by Noelene Curry
June 17, 2016
A relationship is just like a garden. A garden needs to be watered and fertilized and weeds need to be pulled out on a regular basis. When you neglect to pull out the weeds in your garden they will eventually take over the whole garden, choking the life out of the other plants. In other words, if you want your garden to grow and flourish you need to put aside time to spend in it.
by Arlene Pellicane
November 19, 2014
Since I was speaking at a youth conference about teens and technology, I figured the dad waiting to speak with me wanted to talk about his crazy texting teenager. You see, this man was a father of three who had a wonderful wife except for one little area. She was addicted to Twitter.
by Arlene Pellicane
June 21, 2016
When your spouse walks into the door of your home, does he or she think “Phew, I’m home now” or “Oh boy, here it comes.”
by Tami Myer
August 12, 2015
These are not the foundational principles of marriage. These tips are one-sentence nuggets of practical advice. They are easy to understand, sometimes difficult to implement, but absolutely transformative.
by Helpguide
While peer pressure and TV commercials for junk food can make getting kids to eat well seem impossible, there are steps parents can take to instill healthy eating habits without turning mealtimes into a battle zone.
by Ripplekindness Project
Kindness shouldn’t be limited to any particular gender, race, age group or even species. In fact, showing kindness and compassion to the most vulnerable of our fellow earthlings (i.e. other animals, particularly under human care) is often seen as the most telling sign of a person’s capacity for the traits we hold most sacred.
by Dennis Rainey
Children are going to struggle with one another, compete with one another, irritate one another, and have conflict. As parents we came to the conclusion that if we are going to have to endure these conflicts, we would turn them into training opportunities.
by Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane
No doubt you have seen your kids with their eyes glued to a computer screen, television or mobile device. And you may have wondered how technology is affecting them. The moving pictures on television, in video games and in apps are extremely stimulating, and a child’s brain is particularly sensitive.
by Ron Blue
Money is one of the most concrete ways you can teach life lessons. By training your children in simple, tangible ways, you will set them up for success — with money and possibly in life.
by Thank you Diva
Saying thank you – it’s everyday etiquette and a simply courtesy that takes just a moment. It costs nothing, not even effort. But it’s also one of the most important ways in which we interact with others, both those closest to us and those with whom we have contact for the briefest of times.
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