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Liberty defined

by Ron Paul
April 7, 2016

Liberty means to exercise human rights in any manner a person chooses so long as it does not interfere with the exercise of the rights of others. This means, above all else, keeping government out of our lives. Only this path leads to the unleashing of human energies that build civilization, provide security, generate wealth, and protect the people from systematic rights violations. In this sense, only liberty can truly ward off tyranny, the great and eternal foe of mankind.

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The death camp of Communist China

by Mises Daily
July 23, 2007

There is only so much ghastly information that our brains can absorb, only so much blood we can imagine. And yet there is more to why China’s communist experiment remains a hidden fact: it makes a decisive case against government power, one even more compelling than the cases of Russia or Germany in the 20th century.

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The destruction of Christianity

by  Lorraine Day, M.D.

The vast majority of Christians, including Christian pastors and seminary theologians, have never heard the names of those who originated, and are continuing to promote, the One World Religion, names such as Madame Helena Petrova Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey and her Demon Spirit Guide, Djwhal Kuhl, Benjamin Crème, Lord Maitreya, the Lucis Trust (formerly The Lucifer Trust), and the Theosophical Society.

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Brigitte Gabriel just revealed the Muslim plan for the destruction of America

by Brigette Gabriel
May 17, 2016

Brigitte Gabriel, American journalist, author, and political lecturer, presents the facts at a “Watchmen on the Wall” conference. Gabrielle, born to Christian parents in Lebanon grew up in during times of civil war and strife. After her home was destroyed by Islamic militants, she was forced to live with her parents in a small bomb shelter for many years. She has had experience with Islamic hate and terror.

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Dangerous meditations

by Douglas Groothuis
November 1, 2004

Differences in various forms of Eastern meditation aside, they all aim at a supposedly “higher” or “altered” state of consciousness. Meditation guides claim that normal consciousness obscures sacred realities.The goal is to find God within their own beings, since God (Brahman) and the self (Atman) are really one.

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Mindfulness: no-mind over matter

by Marcia Montenegro

The techniques of mindfulness meditation lead one to enter an altered state, the same state one is in when under hypnosis. In this state, the meditator’s critical thinking and judgment are suspended, and anything can enter the mind.

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Yoga: Exercise or religion – does it matter?

by Ray Yungen
October 8, 2015

The word “yoga” actually means to be yoked to or united in body, mind, and spirit with Brahman.Yoga adherents cannot divorce the religious or spiritual aspects of Yoga from the physical because the physical postures were, from their inception, specifically designed to serve as conduits to yogic religious experience.

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Those who resist

by Kevin Reeves
February 15, 2013

Many of us have owned the glorious but erroneous vision of an end-times remnant walking in unconquerable power, transforming entire societies. The result has been nothing short of catastrophic. Every cult in the world has sprouted from the fertile soil of deception, always initiated by a drastic move away from the primacy of the Word of God into the nebulous, self-defining atmosphere of experience. 

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