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Congress moves to endorse Islamic blasphemy laws

by Unity Coalition for Israel
January 5, 2016

There is a bill before Congress that singles out hate speech against Muslims. As of this writing, the resolution, which is nothing short of sharia law, has 82 co-sponsors. All of them are Democrats. And while the bill has little to no chance of passing, it is a window into our future if we don’t change the self-destructive course we are on with respect to how we understand and relate to the Quran and those who follow its teachings.

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When Hitler was in power – memories of a Jewish girl

by Anita Dittman
May 4, 2016

I was twelve years old and entering early teen years living in Nazi Germany. Often as the lights went out at night, I lapsed into self-pity and cried myself to sleep. I knew it would be a long winter with minimum food rations, crowded, substandard living quarters, and that never-ending dread of the Gestapo knock on the door.

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by Viola Larson – Watchman Fellowship

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was born in Russia in 1831. As a young woman Helen Blavatsky was involved in Spiritualism.  In 1875 she founded the Theosophy Society which has influenced the New Age movement of today.

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Alice Bailey

by Watchman Fellowship

Alice Bailey spent the majority of her years working out what she referred to as “The Plan.” As a result of her works, many other groups have been birthed or influenced. They continue to promulgate Alice Bailey’s message of “world peace,” the divinity of all mankind, the unity of all religions, and service to mankind.

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4 Ways to motivate kids to read more

by Bob Waliszewski
May 6, 2016

The question isn’t whether a child likes to read but what motivates him or her to read. As a parent, I’ve tried different tactics to help raise my children’s motivational levels and have found four ways that seem best when encouraging interaction with the written word.

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Persistent prayer to a loving Father

by Jason Helopoulos
May 16, 2016

Persistent prayer proves hard for many Christians. We may labor on our knees for years as we pray for our unbelieving child, an empty womb, our spouse to be converted, the friend battling cancer, depression to no longer have a hold, a sin to lose its grip, or the gift of just one good friend.

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Germany pushes for European army

by Rachel Middleton
May 3, 2016

Germany is pushing for a European army in the 28-member EU bloc, according to a white paper put forward by the German government. The army is envisaged to have a joint headquarters and shared military plans.

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