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Why Communism kills: The legacy of Karl Marx

by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz

The U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee conducted investigations into the number killed in the Soviet Union and China. Their report stated that 35 million to 45 million had been killed in the Soviet Union and 34 million to 62.5 million in Communist China.

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Israel and the ISIS threat

by Howard Green
December 2, 2015

Most of us know the basic facts about ISIS. We are well aware of their brutality, merciless slaughter of captives, and massive land grab in Iraq and Syria. We need to take a realistic look at the dangers posed to Israel and the prophetic implications of this enemy in the vicinity of the Jewish State.

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The world ignores God’s coming wrath

by Howard Green
April 22, 2016

If God didn’t spare the ancient world prior to the flood, if He didn’t spare Sodom & Gomorrah, and He didn’t spare Jerusalem, how can you think He will wink like an old Grandpa or favorite uncle at His world full of sin and darkness? He will be patient, wait, show mercy, until the cup of His wrath is filled… then judgement will fall.

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What is a Dictatorship Government?

by Political Systems

Dictatorships are some of the most well-know political systems; throughout history, dictators have risen and fallen, often affecting the way the world sees their country at the time. However, if one hasn’t really lived in a dictatorship, it’s possible you’ll have the wrong idea on this type of political systems.

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What is the Occult?

by James Walker

The term “occult” is derived from the latin word occultus which means to cover up, to hide, or those things which are hidden or secret. When used in this paper the word “occult” means any attempt to gain supernatural knowledge or power apart from the God of the Bible. There are basically three types of occultism – Psychic discerment groups, Paganism and Spiritism.

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Goddess worship

by Rick Branch

The rediscovery of Goddess in the West in the late 1960s coincided with the women’s movement, the ecology movement, and the beginnings of the so called New Age movement.” She continues by citing one other religious movement which helped popularize this philosophy. “Perhaps one of the most visible arenas for the revival of Goddess is the neo-Paganism and Neo-Pagan Witchcraft nature religions.

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Symbols and their meaning

by Crossroad

Occult symbols are fast replacing Christian symbols in our culture. Therefore, we encourage you to use this list to warn others, especially Christian children who intentionally wear and display them because they are popular.

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Christians mystically encountering God

by Marsha West
November 8, 2015

For a couple of decades there has been a big push by numerous evangelical leaders to incorporate pagan practices into the visible Church.  These unbiblical practices have their origins in Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, likewise the New Age movement. Through the writings of Thomas Merton, Basil Pennington, William Menninger and Thomas Keating these practices have been introduced into mainline Protestant churches as well as independent, nondenominational, charismatic and Pentecostal churches.

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Mandala colorbooks: Relaxing fun or a tool for New Age meditation

by Lois Putnam – Lighthouse Trails
May 12, 2016

Adult coloring has recently become a national passion. Now, from your first examination of these color books, you’ll note they aren’t like the color books of your youth, for at least half of them are distinctly New Age in look and content. And second, you’ll note that they almost all purport to help calm, soothe, de-stress, and relax you into a meditative state.

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Former Archbishop of Canterbury warns against ‘Muslim mass immigration to Europe’

by Ralph Sidway
September 8, 2015

The frustration for those of us who have been calling for compassion for Syrian victims for many months is that the Christian community is yet again left at the bottom of the heap. They are the most vulnerable and repeatedly targeted victims of this conflict. Indeed, a hundred years after the Armenian and Assyrian genocide, in which over a million Christians are estimated to have been killed by Ottoman Muslims, the same is happening today in the form of an ethnic cleansing of Christians in the region.

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