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Results of Communism / Socialism

by Discover The Networks

From the day the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia in 1917, dozens of attempts have been made across the globe to establish societies based on Communist principles. Moscow invariably supported these efforts by supplying them with massive amounts of money, weaponry, and tactical/political guidance. But virtually every Communist experiment – including Russia’s – ultimately failed.

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C.S. Lewis (2)

by Tottministries
September 2006

So how should we view Mr. Lewis? His ability to cut through the intellectual clouds and offer insightful analysis of human nature and our relationship with God perhaps has no equal. On the other hand, he was no evangelical. His theology is deficient at best in the key areas of Scripture and salvation. He believed in neither sola fide nor sola scriptura, the two battle cries of the Reformation. Those who read him must keep these things in mind, filter his teaching through the grid of Scripture and hold him to the same standards that we are to hold all others.

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C.S. Lewis

by Tottministries
September 2006

So how should we view Mr. Lewis? His ability to cut through the intellectual clouds and offer insightful analysis of human nature and our relationship with God perhaps has no equal. On the other hand, he was no evangelical. His theology is deficient at best in the key areas of Scripture and salvation. He believed in neither sola fide nor sola scriptura, the two battle cries of the Reformation. Those who read him must keep these things in mind, filter his teaching through the grid of Scripture and hold him to the same standards that we are to hold all others.

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Why you don’t need more self-esteem


One of the most popular ideas to emerge in Christian circles in recent years is that we all need to build and maintain proper self-esteem. Dozens of best-selling Christian books are laced with this theme. It is frequently mentioned in sermons and on Christian radio shows. It is a fundamental assumption underlying most Christian counseling.

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A look at depression through the lens of Scripture

by Southern View Chapel
December 1997

The man sitting before me would not respond to my questions. He sat, motionless, staring at the floor. That he had been under a great deal of stress was a fact known to all who loved him, but that he was this close to the “edge” surprised us all. Soon he would find himself on the psych ward of a local hospital, medicated and undergoing both individual and group counseling.

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Racism: A Christian Perspective (2)

by Juan Valdes
July 26, 2013

One way to stem the tide of racism is to educate people in God’s truth.  God  says we are all one race.  Adults must know this and believe it.  Then they can educate their children to be a generation in which racism is unacceptable.  Children are not born racist, they are taught racism.

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Racism: A Christian Perspective

by Juan Valdes
July 26, 2013

One way to stem the tide of racism is to educate people in God’s truth.  God  says we are all one race.  Adults must know this and believe it.  Then they can educate their children to be a generation in which racism is unacceptable.  Children are not born racist, they are taught racism.

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