by FollowingJesusChrist3
March 12, 2015
There is neither a greater, nor more difficult calling by Jesus Christ, then the call to forgive even our worst and most spiteful enemies. Jesus himself exhibited this most difficult act, while hanging cold, naked and in agony on a cross. His ability to forgive those who destroyed his body and humiliated him in front of his enemies was truly the product of a life of love, trust and obedience to his Father in heaven.
by Brian Thomas, M.S. *
With so many loud voices in our culture asserting that Genesis is a myth, one would think archaeologists have uncovered clear evidence that refutes it. On the contrary, some incredible archaeological finds confirm key events in Genesis.
by Whitney Hopler
When you become a father for the first time, your life changes in significant ways. All those changes can feel overwhelming, but if you rely on God’s help to navigate them, you can experience the joy He intends for you as you adjust to life with your new child.
by David Peach
Disciplining your children is an important aspect of parenting. I want to encourage you to follow God’s Word and His plan for raising a godly family and instilling proper character in your children.
by Michael Houdmann
How to best discipline children can be a difficult task to learn, but it is crucially important. Some claim that physical discipline (corporal punishment) such as spanking is the only method the Bible supports. Others insist that “time-outs” and other punishments that do not involve physical discipline are far more effective.
by Michael Houdmann
The question of whether Christians should home school their children is one that many families wrestle with. The Bible tells us that children are a gift from the Lord, specially created for His pleasure and divine purpose. (Psalm 127:3-5; 139:13-16)
by Michael Houdmann
For believers in Jesus Christ, the question of whether or not a Christian education is important seems obvious. The issue in Scripture is not what type of general education our children receive, but through what paradigm that information is to be filtered.
by Jen Thorn
We tend to use the word “friend” quite carelessly. Any person we have a few conversations with, work with, or “like” on Facebook we call “friend.” This is not necessarily bad, but through it, I believe, we are losing the real meaning of Biblical friendship.
by Mark Altrogge
Our culture constantly tells us to build our self-esteem and think highly of ourselves. Yet the Bible urges us to do the opposite. To pursue humility. And we have plenty of reasons to be humble.
by Timothy Allen
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