by Steven Isaac
January 26, 2016
It’s time once again for our Plugged In Movie Awards, wherein we select the movies we feel best nourish both the mind and soul. (But make sure to read our full reviews before deciding whether you or your family should see any of these!)
by Henry Cloud
Our kids are maturing amid a culture in which people no longer own their choices, words or actions — a culture in which there’s always someone to blame for why they do what they do.
by Melissa Kruger
A bribe is offered as a means to cajole or influence a child. Typically, it is given in the midst of a tantrum or other bad behavior. In contrast, a reward is something that is given in recognition of a child’s effort, service or achievement.
by Marcia Montenegro
To introduce children to Yoga is in my mind irresponsible and potentially dangerous at the very least. Even if this type of Yoga appears to have no outward effects, there can be hidden ones, and it certainly creates a bond that may pull the child deeper into its spirituality as he or she gets older before the child has knowingly been able to make such a choice.
by T.A. McMahon
February 1, 2016
Beliefs and practices include alternative healing methods, astrology, spiritual energies, meditation, parapsychology, witchcraft, yoga, quantum mysticism, Gaia and goddess worship, reincarnation, UFOs, channeling, karma, hallucinogenic drugs, feng shui, altered states of consciousness, the martial arts, spiritualism, the kabbala, transpersonal psychology, and the human potential movement.
by T.A. McMahon
March 1, 2016
Many of the teachings and practices of the New Age Movement have become so accepted in Western society that they’re commonplace, seemingly far removed from their Eastern mystical roots. Terms like karma, yoga, meditation, guru, mantra, etc., have become part of our everyday language, without any hint of their religious origins and connections for most people. Additionally, a number of programs have arisen that deceptively promote Eastern meditation as non-religious science by calling it mindfulness.
by T.A. McMahon
May 1, 2016
In this series dealing with the intrusion of Eastern mysticism into the church, it would be a huge error to overlook another growing practice among Christians—a practice that may even exceed the numbers of those involved in yoga: Christianized martial arts.
by Michael Houdmann
There is a major emphasis in our day on ecumenical unity among evangelicals and Roman Catholics. Those who promote such unity state that both groups are Christian and both are God-honoring systems of faith. But there are substantial differences between the two groups.
by Dr. Greg Bahnsen
Only recent medical technology has made it possible for a male to undergo surgery which will change “him” anatomically into a female (and vice verse). Does the ancient law of God help us draw any ethical evaluation of such a thing?
by Jews for Jesus
March 27, 2015
It is important to begin by saying that for one who has already made up his or her mind that Jesus is not the Messiah, no amount of evidence will be convincing. But for those who are honest in asking, the evidence speaks for itself. When sincerely asked, this question is a good one. After all, there have been false Messiahs in Jewish history.
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